Becoming Faster; Best Full F2l Algorithms

Becoming Faster; Best Full F2l Algorithms

Full f2l is a huge algorithm subset that includes algorithms to solve the first two layers (hence the name f2l). However, learning all 41 algorithms can be quite the task and it can be more of a time save to start with just learning the important ones. This article covers the best and most efficient f2l algorithms to learn. If you just want to see those cases, skip to the bottom for an overview of the algorithms discussed. 

The Eleven Mover

Even though this is the longest f2l case, it’s only eleven moves and far better than the beginner method way of solving it. This case can be done from the back as well and is especially efficient because it is 2-gen which means you only need to turn 2 sides to solve it (R and U face). The Algorithm is: 

U (R U’ R’ U’) (R U’ R’ U) (R U’ R’)

All the algorithms listed in this article are done from the position shown in the images. 

Pair in the Wrong Slot

This one is useful when there is a free pair, but it’s inserted into the opposite slot of where it should go. Instead of having to rotate, or take out and re-insert the pair, we can cancel some moves and use this nice algorithm. Here’s the alg: 

R (L U2 L’) R’

Incorrectly Connected Pair

Solving this pair the beginner way can take more than 2 rotations which are not efficient. This way of solving the pair does have some tricky finger tricks but can be done extremely fast if mastered. Here’s the alg: 

M U (L F’ L’) U’ M’

The setup moves are M and U, then L F’ L, then undo the setup moves, U’ M’. 

Inserted Flipped Pair

This pair can be done very easily with this algorithm. The beginner way of solving this case would use at least one rotation and a bunch of regrips. The advanced way of solving this case is much easier, faster, and more efficient. The algorithm is: 

R2’ U2’ F R2 F’ U2’ R’ U R

R2 and R2’ are interchangeable, but in this case, the R2’ in the start is better for finger tricks. 


Here’s a quick overview of the cases we talked about: 

U (R U’ R’ U’) (R U’ R’ U) (R U’ R’)
R (L U2 L’) R’
M U (L F’ L’) U’ M’
R2’ U2’ F R2 F’ U2’ R’ U R

All the algorithms listed here are used from and Jperms Best F2l Algs pdf.  

The visuals for each algorithm were created with 

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