The Battle of the Budgets; MoYu rs3m vs Yuxin Little Magic

The MoYu rs3m 2020 and the Yuxin Little Magic are undoubtedly two of the best budget cubes on the market. Both being under ten dollars and magnetic: they are quite amazing cubes. Many people start their cubing journey with one of these puzzles. Today, I’m here to find out which one is better.

The two cubes will be compared based on three different qualities; Performance, material, and hardware. Keep in mind that these cubes are both the stickerless and magnetized versions of the cubes. Prices are not being compared because they are virtually the same, both coming in at around eight dollars. 

Performance is perhaps the most important quality of the cube. When buying a cube, you want a cube that has good corner cutting, controllability and speed. Both of these cubes have all three, which is why they are some of the best cubes on the market. The Little Magic is quite smooth and controllable, and has medium strength magnets. The rs3m is faster, but still very controllable and has slightly weaker magnets. The rs3m is also much more customizable, which means you can change things like spring compression, and tightness (more on that later). Overall when it comes to performance, both of them are great choices. 

Since these are both budget cubes under 10 dollars, the build quality is expected to feel cheap, and it does, but not to the extent that it is unusable. Some people like the clicky feeling of budget cubes, and some people don’t. The rs3m feels smooth, but the springs are known to make some noise. The Little Magic has cheaper plastic, but doesn’t feel that much cheaper while turning. Both cubes are quite durable, but the pieces may separate a little if the cube is dropped many times. Although it was close, this one will have to go to the MoYu rs3m as it is probably as premium as a budget cube can get.

 Cubing hardware has evolved so much that the cheapest cubes have comparable hardware and design to some of the most expensive cubes. The rs3m and the Little Magic both have about the same internals and piece design, nothing too out of the ordinary. The main thing that separates the two is customization. To change the speed, or feel of the cube, you would normally open the center caps and twist the screws to make it looser or tighter for your liking. Here’s where MoYu comes in with its new tensioning system. 

MoYu originally came up with this tensioning design for some of its best flagship cubes, like the GTS3M and the WRM. The tensioning system lets the user adjust the spring strength with a small plastic tool that comes with the cube, they can take the tool and use it to twist the ring into different grooves – or tightness settings – until they reach the spring tensions for their liking. The manual that comes with the cube explains this in great detail and makes it much simpler to understand. Other expensive cubes also have this technology, but the MoYu rs3m is one of the first budget cubes to implement it into their design. The rs3m definitely has a better customization mechanism, which makes it easier to tune for beginners. 

In the end, it all depends upon the user preference. To sum it up, if you like a controllable, but slightly slow cube with lots of customization, go for the rs3m. If you want a fast cube, with stronger magnets, the Little Magic is for you. However, if you’re willing to spend a little extra, buying both and figuring out which one is for you is not a bad idea either. Since they are both quite cheap, you can buy both of them for around fifteen-dollars total. Taking a look at other reviews is also a great idea, many inputs can give you a better understanding of what you’re looking for in a cube. Both the MoYu rs3m and the Yuxin Little Magic are amazing cubes. After all; no matter which one you choose to buy, you are sure to be satisfied.

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