Cubing Currents; Why the Rubik’s Cube Has Suddenly Become So Popular

The Rubik’s Cube has always been popular but now, due to many factors, the activity of speedcubing has also gained a lot of attention. Does this mean that there will be more competition? Will we see new events added? Will Rubik’s Cube become an Olympic event? Anything can happen. But why exactly has speedcubing become so popular in the last few years?


This graph from shows a peak in searches related to “Rubik’s Cube” around the time COVID hit the U.S 

   During the pandemic in 2019, many people found themselves bored at home. The Rubik’s cube gained popularity during this time period because it was a fun and limitless puzzle that was a great way to pass the time at home. People enjoyed this puzzle more than others because of its compactness and affordability. 


Cubeheads monthly gained subscribers from 2020 to ‘23 according to

     During COVID, there was also an increased use of youtube by over 8% which corresponded to over 100 million new users. Many cubing youtubers, like Jperm and Cubehead also saw a considerable viewership gain. Because more people watched their content, more people were introduced to speedcubing and other things cubing-related. Red Bull also hosted a Cubing Cup which attracted a lot of viewers too.

The Speedcubers Documentary

     This documentary is pretty famous amongst speedcubers. However, it has also gained popularity in the non-cuber eye as well. Many people were inspired to start cubing after watching the movie and it played a big role in the sudden increase in Rubik’s Cube popularity. The movie also promoted cubing competitions which could be another reason why competitive cubing is also gaining popularity.

In the end, the question is: What is the future of speedcubing? Well, that’s up to us, the cubing community, we are the ones who will shape the future of Rubik’s cube and how it evolves as a competitive activity and a community. Speedcubing already has an international fanbase but still has a long way to go. Will you be a part of this new revolution?

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