Gan 11 M Pro in 2023; Everything you need to know

     The Gan 11 M Pro, one of the best-selling 3x3s of all time, is a puzzle known for its lightweight and fast yet controllable turning feel. Recently, it has had quite a major price drop and is at a much more reasonable price than what it was a few years ago. But is this cube still worth it over three years after its release, and how does it fare against the best modern cubes like the Tornado v3 and the MoYu ys3m?

The Gan 11 M Pro

     The Gan 11 M Pro was a breakthrough in Rubik’s Cube hardware as it was the first cube to include corner-to-core magnets, which are an essential part of all flagships 3x3s today. In 2020, when it was released, the public had mixed feelings about whether to like the cube or criticize its outrageous price tag of $64. Most people liked the speed and the extremely light weight of only 63g but some people didn’t due to its lack of corner curing and unfamiliar loose feel. However, after a few months, people realized that the feel and performance were so different because the cube was so much better than the rest of the puzzles available at the time. The public eventually came to a consensus that the Gan 11 M Pro was the best cube ever released for its time. Lots of pro cubers started maining this cube like Matty Hiroto Inaba from Hawaii, and Tymon Kolasiǹski from Poland. This led to a lot of records being set with this cube like Tymon’s 5.09 3×3 world record average in 2021.

The Gan has an extremely light and somewhat airy feel. This lack of friction makes the magnets feel extra strong and clicky even when they are on the medium setting. When turning fast, the pieces glide effortlessly and the cube is very stable even on loose settings. However, the corner cutting isn’t as good as many other cubes. This isn’t much of a problem though because its stability makes it difficult to overshoot by over 45 degrees which is this cube’s limit when it comes to corner cutting. After over three years, this cube still is one of the best-selling cubes worldwide and continues to be many people’s main, furthermore, it has received two major price drops which have brung the price down from $64 to a still premium, but much more reasonable $45. But can it match up to some of the best 3x3s of today’s time like the Tornado v3 and the MoYu ys3m? 

11 M Pro vs Tornado v3

     If you are looking to buy a new main 3×3 in 2023, you’ve probably already considered the X-Man Tornado v3. It’s considered the best 3×3 release of 2022 and is still the best 3×3 on the market. Here’s a quick overview of the differences between the Gan 11 M Pro and the Tornado v3. For the sake of shortness, the Gan will only be compared with the Flagship edition of the Tornado v3 because that is the most popular model out of the three. 

Gan 11 M ProTornado v3
FeelLight, airy, and fastSlightly slower but still airy
Corner CuttingCuts smoothly until 45 degreesCuts smoothly until 45 degrees
Speed Very fast, can be made slowerModerately fast, can be made slower
Controllability Can be uncontrollable at timesExtremely stable and controllable 
CustomizationComplicated dual adjustment system. It does have adjustable magnets. Simple dual adjustment system. No tools required. Does have adjustable magnets. 

The main difference between these two cubes (besides the price) is the controllability and great dual-adjustment system. If you’re looking for a fast, light cube, then the 11 M Pro is for you. However, if you want something a bit slower and more controllable, then go for the Tornado v3. So, which cube won? Is the Gan 11 M Pro worth it, or is it finally time to say that this is an old, outdated cube?

Is It Worth It

     In short, yes. If you are looking for a fast, yet controllable enough cube, then the Gan 11 M Pro is still one of the best options on the market. Even if you want a slow cube, you can’t go wrong with buying the 11 M Pro and slowing it down. However, since cube technology has evolved a lot over the last few years, you can find all of the features the Gan has – and much more like maglev – at a much lower price. The point is, the main reason to buy this cube in 2023 is for the unique feel it gives. These days, any of the top cubes will give you the same amazing performance at any price point, but the reason we buy different cubes is that they feel different and impact our solving experience rather than our performance. The Gan 11 M Pro is an amazing experience and is still one of the best-performing cubes of all time. So if you want to try something… new? Or old for that matter, buy the 11 M and you won’t be disappointed.

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