3 Easy Ways To Make Money From Cubing

     Making money by solving a Rubik’s Cube? Is that even possible? Well my friend, it is and fortunately, it’s quite simple. There are many ways to make money through cubing and today I’m going to share with you some of the best and most effective ways to do so. So sit back, relax, and maybe take some notes because you’re about to learn a whole lot about making money through cubing. 

Content Creation

     This is probably the hardest way, but if you have a passion for sharing your hobbies with the world, then this is the best option for you. Putting in time and effort to start a cubing Youtube channel, or starting a blog (like this one!) can be a great way to make some cash if you do it right. Now, this isn’t a marketing channel so here are some great websites and blogs that should help you get started and pull in that first bunch of viewers and subscribers. 

Once you have a good viewer base, you can start to incorporate ads and other monetization strategies to create a small cash flow from your work. Let me know in the comments if you would like to see a full tutorial on starting your own cubing blog in 2023.    

Online Rubik’s Cube Lessons

     This is probably the best method in this article as it is fun and yields the most reliable source of money. There are many platforms in which you can start online classes but the one I recommend is outschool.com. This platform blew up during Covid and is one of the best options for online classes to date. However, you do need to be at least 18 years old which can be a downside for some people. If you’re under 18 and are still looking to teach, look at the paragraph beneath this one for an under-18 option. All you need to do is fill out a teaching application and you can make an online class which can be held over Zoom. Expect to make anywhere between $10 and $50 per student enrolled. Classes are usually held for around a week over the summer but can also be held during the school year. Some ideas for what to teach are: 

  • How to solve the Rubik’s Cube (most popular)
  • Getting faster with the Rubik’s Cube
  • Rubik’s Cube from an engineering/computer science perspective

If you are under 18 but are still interested in teaching others, you can always contact your local communities or set up posters advertising a Zoom class that you can host. You can also ask some of your friends or people you know if they would be interested and teach them. 

Selling Cubes

     Most of the time, we cubers have way more cubes than we need. A great way to make some money is to sell these cubes. This is especially great because you can then put that money towards buying ever more speedcubes! The best ways to sell cubes are through various marketing platforms like eBay, Amazon, Etsy, etc… These are great because all of the infrastructure is provided for you and all you need to do is list your item on their website and wait for buyers. This is the easiest item on the list and is a great way to constantly refresh your cube collection and maybe even make a few dollars in profit. 

However, before selling, make sure to make sure your customer is legit and not a scam. Contact them over a secure platform and ask them about their purchase. If you don’t want to sell online, you can also try selling in person like at a garage sale or a public flea market. Those generally have a lot of people looking for all kinds of things which increases the chances of people wanting to buy your products.

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