The Ultimate Cubing Youtuber Tier List 

We all love to watch our favorite cubers on YouTube. Whether it’s unboxings, fast solves, or other cubing-related videos, the YouCubing community has something for everyone. But what’s the best cubing channel? Well, in this article I’m going to rank my top 10 favorite channels and tell you which ones you should check out and which ones you maybe shouldn’t… 

How To Average Sub-3 Seconds On 2×2 Without Learning Any New Algorithms

The 2x2 is one of the easiest twisty puzzles to solve. Essentially, it’s just a 3x3 without edges and centers. However, while solving it may not be much of a challenge, getting faster and becoming competitive in 2x2 requires quite a lot of dedication and knowledge of hundreds of algorithms… Or does it? Keep reading to find out how you can average less than 3 seconds without learning any new algorithms. 

This Guy Is The Funniest Speedcuber Of All Time

Have you ever come across a funny speedcubing video? If you enjoyed those, then get ready to have a good laugh because I’ve discovered who I think is one of the most hilarious cubers of all time. Keep reading to find out who exactly is the person known as one of the funniest cubers in the community, and what some of his funniest videos are.

This Is The Easiest 3×3 Scramble Ever

Have you ever been cubing and come across a scramble so easy that it leaves you questioning the scrambling program that you’re using? Well, this scramble may just be the epitome of that feeling because it’s like nothing I’ve ever seen. Get ready because you’re about to see quite possibly the greatest computer-generated scramble of all time.

These Are The Most Expensive Rubik’s Cubes Of All Time

Speedcubing is known to be a relatively cheap hobby. All you really need to get started is a 10$ cube, and even at much higher levels, it doesn’t get much more expensive than that. However, there are some exceptions. This article covers the most outrageously priced Rubik’s Cubes and twisty puzzles that will definitely make your bank account shed a few tears. 

How To Drop Your 3×3 Average By 10% in Just 10 Minutes

After a certain point while dealing with anything – especially cubing –, improving can get harder and harder. Lowering your average gets more and more difficult the faster you get. In mathematics, this resembles asymptotic regression. However, we already know that deliberate practice is one of the best ways to improve your times quickly. One of the best things to deliberately practice is cross to F2L transition and predicting first pair. This article will show you the best way to improve this and extra tips and tricks on how to look ahead. 

Rubik’s Cube World Championship 2023 Predictions

The Rubik’s WCA World Championship is less than a month away. If you’re going, then it's safe to say that you can expect the most entertaining Rubik’s Cube competition ever. It’s also likely that at least a few world records will be broken. However, if you won't be able to make the flight to Incheon, Republic of Korea, then there is still a lot of entertainment to be had.

These are The Top 3 Hardest Rubik’s Cubes To Solve

The Rubik’s Cube is already a hard-enough puzzle to solve. However, it doesn’t stop at just the 3x3, because there are many other puzzles that are exponentially harder to solve that you may never even have heard of. Some of these puzzles have never even been solved by anyone! Keep reading to find out what’s the hardest Rubik’s Cube of all time.

3 Easy Ways To Make Money From Cubing

Making money by solving a Rubik’s Cube? Is that even possible? Well my friend, it is and fortunately, it’s quite simple. There are many ways to make money through cubing and today I’m going to share with you some of the best and most effective ways to do so. So sit back, relax, and maybe take some notes because you’re about to learn a whole lot about making money through cubing.

The Top 3 Hardest Speedcubing Algorithms Of All Time

Most speedcubing events rely heavily on algorithms to solve various cases efficiently. Some events even have hundreds and hundreds of algorithms just for one step of the solving process. While most of these algorithms are easy to learn and just require a lot of time, some are truly horrible and are known for their difficulty to both recognize and execute. Keep reading to find out what is the hardest cubing algorithm of all time.

God’s Number; The Most Important Number In All of Speedcubing

God’s number refers to the smallest number of moves required to solve any Rubik’s cube scramble. This is one of the most important mathematical concepts in cubing as it took people over 30 years to find it after the creation of the Rubik’s cube. Not only does finding this number require a lot of math, but it also requires a lot of algorithmic thinking and optimization, and the process and how this number was found may surprise you.

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