The Top 3 Hardest Speedcubing Algorithms Of All Time

Most speedcubing events rely heavily on algorithms to solve various cases efficiently. Some events even have hundreds and hundreds of algorithms just for one step of the solving process. While most of these algorithms are easy to learn and just require a lot of time, some are truly horrible and are known for their difficulty to both recognize and execute. Keep reading to find out what is the hardest cubing algorithm of all time.

The Top 6 Websites All Speedcubers Should Know About

     Since speedcubing is still a relatively small community of people, it can be difficult to find websites that provide important information like algs, and stats which help improve and make cubing more enjoyable as a hobby. There are a lot of underrated websites on the web that may not be very popular, but still are some of the most information and entertainment-packed resources for us cubers. This article covers the top 6 websites that all speedcubers should know about. 

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