3 Easy Ways To Make Money From Cubing

Making money by solving a Rubik’s Cube? Is that even possible? Well my friend, it is and fortunately, it’s quite simple. There are many ways to make money through cubing and today I’m going to share with you some of the best and most effective ways to do so. So sit back, relax, and maybe take some notes because you’re about to learn a whole lot about making money through cubing.

The Top 3 Hardest Speedcubing Algorithms Of All Time

Most speedcubing events rely heavily on algorithms to solve various cases efficiently. Some events even have hundreds and hundreds of algorithms just for one step of the solving process. While most of these algorithms are easy to learn and just require a lot of time, some are truly horrible and are known for their difficulty to both recognize and execute. Keep reading to find out what is the hardest cubing algorithm of all time.

God’s Number; The Most Important Number In All of Speedcubing

God’s number refers to the smallest number of moves required to solve any Rubik’s cube scramble. This is one of the most important mathematical concepts in cubing as it took people over 30 years to find it after the creation of the Rubik’s cube. Not only does finding this number require a lot of math, but it also requires a lot of algorithmic thinking and optimization, and the process and how this number was found may surprise you.

Simple and Useful 2BLD Memorization Tool

Solving a 2x2 blindfolded is relatively easy and is something every cuber can learn to do. The most challenging part of the process for most people is learning what letters correspond to what pieces on the cube. Luckily, I have created a computer program that makes it extremely easy to practice and memorize the letters and positions of each piece so you can learn how to solve the 2x2 blindfolded faster.

Getting Faster; All Major 3×3 Alg-Sets And Which Ones To Learn

After learning 2-look OLL and PLL, it’s obvious that full OLL and PLL are the next steps. But what about after that? Winter Variation, Summer Variation, VLS, ZBLS, COLL, and OLLCP are all algorithm sets for last layer. Don’t worry if you haven’t heard of any of these before because this article covers which ones you should learn, and which ones you should ignore. 

Becoming Faster; Best Full F2l Algorithms

Full f2l is a huge algorithm subset that includes algorithms to solve the first two layers (hence the name f2l). However, learning all 41 algorithms can be quite the task and it can be more of a time save to start with just learning the important ones. This article covers the best and most efficient f2l algorithms to learn.

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